Platform Edit Condition
Platform Edit Condition
The condition editor is designed to flexibly configure complex logic of system behavior. Using the editor, you can create conditions for displaying the fields of the current list, buttons for launching work processes in the item form, etc.
The condition editor is used to configure:
- filtering conditions for items in the «Platform: Lookup» type column;
- conditions for displaying options in a column of the «Platform: Choice» type;
- filtering conditions for values in a column of the «Platform: User or Group» type;
- visibility of the workflow launch buttons on the «Platform: Workflow Settings» page;
- visibility buttons for launching workflows on the «Platform: Nintex Workflow Settings» page;
- display of list fields on the «Platform: Field availability settings» page;
- displaying the upload button for an item in Microsoft Word on the «Platform: Export to Word settings for item» page;
- display buttons on the «Platform: Ribbon button settings» page;
- displaying buttons on the «Platform: Buttons settings» page;
- conditions for access to views on the «Platform: Manage an access to List Views» page;
- conditions for color display of items on the «Platform: Highlighting list items» page;
- filtering conditions on the «Platform: List view filter settings» page;
- conditions for the availability of printing documents on the «Platform: QR-codes and Watermarks printing settings» page;
- conditions for including fields in the electronic signature on the «Platform: Electronic signature settings» page;
- mandatory field conditions on the «Platform: Required fields settings» page;
- conditions for calculated parameters on the «Platform: Calculated parameters of condition editor» page;
- terms of access to items on the «Platform: Item access management» page;
- conditions for launching workflows on the «Manage Rules» page.
On the form of the condition editor, you must select the behavior that will be applied if the specified conditions are met, as well as the behavior if the conditions are not met. Conditions can be composite, consisting of several simple, combined by logical AND / OR operations:
If the external level is represented by the conditions «AND», then the internal conditions will be «OR». And vice versa.

Click the «Add “OR” condition» or «Add “AND” condition» button to add a new condition. Specify the condition in the form that opens:

Select the field of the current list or one of the functions in the left or right part of the condition:
- All companies. The function returns a list of companies in which the current user is included. As a function parameter, the field of the current list of the type «Person or group» or «Platform: Person or group», function or employee account is selected. Example conditions: All companies (Current user) is included in the «Company».
- Groups of users who delegated to current user.The function returns a list of users who enter the roles whose authority is delegated to the current user.
An example of a condition: «Assigned to» is included in the User Groups that the current user can represent.
- Day of the current month. The function returns a date in the format «DD.MM», where DD is the day specified as the parameter of the function, MM is the current month.
Example condition: Day of the current month («10») is equal to «Date of the control point».
- Get item lookup field value. The function allows you to configure the filtering condition for the values of the «Platform: Lookup» field type in the list of the details list by the field of the same type on the master list item.
Example condition: An ID is included in the Value of the lookup field ‘(Platform field: Lookup of the master list)’ of the item with the ID ‘Master item of the list ‘(Master list)’.
- Users who delegated to current user. The function returns a list of users whose authority is delegated to the current user.
An example of a condition: Whom the current user can impersonate includes «Assigned to».
- A collection of users or groups. Allows you to configure the ability to select users (Platform: User or group field) from the group that was entered in another «Platform: User or group field».
Example condition: The ID is included in the Group structure (Collection of users or groups (parameter “Platform: User or group”)).
- Company. The function returns the value of the «Company» parameter from the information about the employee in the organizational structure. As a function parameter, the field of the current list of the type «User or group» or «Platform: User or group», function or employee account is selected.
Example condition: Company (Current user) is equal to «Company».
- Assigned task. The function determines the availability of tasks for the current item according to the specified conditions. In the parameters of the function, a list of tasks is selected, and the conditions for selecting tasks for the current item are configured.
Example condition: A task is assigned from the «Tasks» list with a search result of «Yes».
An example of a filtering condition: The current user is «Assigned to».
- The main department of the current user. The function returns the value of the «Main department» parameter from the employee information in the organizational structure. As a function parameter, the field of the current list of the type «User or group» or «Platform: User or group», function or unit name is selected.
Example condition: The main department of the current user is equal to «Department of the contractor».
- Difference from the current date in days. Allows you to configure a condition that will be fulfilled a certain number of days before the specified date. When choosing this function, it is necessary to fill in the «Number», parameter, indicating the required number of days.
Example condition: Deviation from the current date in days («7») is equal to «Checkpoint date».
- Difference from the current date in months. Allows you to configure a condition that will be met a certain number of months before the specified date. When choosing this function, it is necessary to fill in the «Number» parameter, indicating the required number of months.
Example condition: Deviation from the current date in months («2») is equal to «Contract expiration date».
- Deviation from the current date in working days. Allows you to configure a condition that will be fulfilled for a certain number of working days before the specified date. When choosing this function, it is necessary to fill in the «Number», parameter, indicating the required number of working days.
Example condition: Deviation from the current date in business days («1») is equal to «Term».
- Subordinate departments for current users. The function returns all departments (taking into account the hierarchy), in the leading role of which the current user is included.
Example condition: «Departments» is included in the Subordinate Departments of the current user.
- Working day. The function determines whether the current day is a working day.
Example condition: The working day is «Yes».
- Manager role. The function returns the value of the «Manager Role» parameter from the information about the organizational department or role in the organizational structure. As a function parameter, the field of the current list of the type «User or group» or «Platform: User or group», the function or the name of the department or role is selected.
Example condition: Leading role (Current user) is equal to «CEO».
- Current user information. The function returns the specified employee information. As a function parameter, a field from the user profile is selected.
Example condition: ‘Position’ of the current user is equal to «Position».
- Group consistency. The function returns a list of users included in the specified role or organizational department. As a function parameter, the field of the current list of the type «User or group» or «Platform: User or group», the function or the name of the department or role is selected.
Example condition: The composition of the group (to whom it is assigned) includes the current user.
- Current date. The function returns the current date.
An example of a condition: The current date is longer than «Term».
- Current date and time. The function returns the current date and time.
Example condition: Current date and time is more than «Changed».
- Current user. The function returns the current user account.
Example condition: The current user is equal to «Project Executor».
- Folder items. The function allows you to configure the filtering of values of the field type «Platform: Lookup» by the items of the Details list of the unsaved master item.
Example condition: ID is included in Folder Items (parameter «dtLookup»).
The list of available conditions is formed depending on the selected field type or function in the left part of the condition:
Browser |
Text / Calculated |
Date and time |
Number / Currency |
Choice |
Lookup / Details List |
User or Group |
Yes/No (check box) |
Time functions |
Organizational data |
Current User Details |
List Lookup Field Values |
Subordinate units of the current user |
Folder items |
Condition |
More [or equal] |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
Less [or equal] |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
[Not] Includes [any of] |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
[Not] Included in |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
[Not] Starts on
[Not] Is the beginning |
✓ |
[Not] Ends on
[Not] Is the ending |
✓ |
[Not] Empty |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
[Not] equal |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
Contains |
✓ |
✓ |
Does not contain |
✓ |
[Not] Contained in |
✓ |
[Not] Contains the current user group |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
Select the current list field or function in the right part of the condition.