Platform: Workflow Settings

Platform: Workflow Settings


This group of parameters provides the ability to customize additional workflows, as well as customize the display conditions for workflow launch buttons using Workflow Manager.

On the list options page, select «Platform: Workflow settings». The following options are available on the settings page:

  • Language. It is used if the system supports multilingualism. Allows you to specify the names of the workflow launch buttons for each language.
  • Common workflow settings:


  • Close page when run workflow. If the option is enabled, then when the workflow starts, the form of the element will be closed automatically.
  • Stop workflows on item delete. If this option is enabled, then when deleting a list item, all running processes on the item will be stopped.
  • Stop workflows with system account (is specified if the parameter value «Stop workflows when deleting an item» equally «Yes»). The parameter must be enabled if the automatic process stop must be executed regardless of whether the current user has the right to perform this action.

    • Page mode. If you select the «Default» option, the uniform settings of the workflow launch buttons will be applied for all forms:


    • Workflow:


  • Copy button visibility settings. Allows you to copy the visibility settings of the workflow launch button within the selected form mode.
  • Workflow ribbon button settings. Allows you to customize the conditions for displaying workflow launch buttons located at the bottom of the form.
  • Workflow regular button settings. Allows you to customize the conditions for displaying workflow launch buttons located at the bottom of the form.
  • Run with elevated privileges. If the value of the parameter is «Yes», the workflow will be launched on behalf of the account from the PlatformWorkflowInitiator role. Otherwise, on behalf of the user who started the process.
  • Start workflow without list item validation. Allows you to allow the start of a workflow without checking the mandatory fields and without saving changes made to the element.
  • Button label text. Specifies the name of the workflow launch button displayed on the form of the item.
  • Footer button description text.
  • Select workflow icon type.
  • Contents