Write to History

Write to History

Use context menu or action toolbox to add Write to History action to workflow scheme.

  • Click on the area with (Edit) icon on the scheme and:
  • Select category Lists and items;
  • Choose Write to History.
  • In action toolbox:
  • Select category Lists and items;
  • Drag and drop Write to History action to the area with (Edit) icon on the workflow scheme.

Open action configuration dialog to edit action properties:

  • Open action context menu on the scheme and choose Edit;
  • Or double click the action on the scheme.

Use configuration dialog to edit action properties:

Property Description
Title Defines action title.
By default the title is action type name.
Message Message, which will be written to history list at workflow runtime.
Lookups are available for this property.

Log workflow start date and time:

Log “Created by”, “Created” and “Workflow initiator”:

Maximum message size is 255 characters.
