Start work

Start work

  • Install Windows Management Framework 5.1.
  • Open PowerShell ISE on SharePoint farm server with local administrator privileges;
  • Open z-flow-manage.ps1 script from SYSTEMZ Flow installation package;
  • Execute z-flow-invoke { z-flow-Prerequisites-Download } command and wait for completion;
  • Copy the prerequisites/packages/ folder on the every server (WFE and CA) where SYSTEMZ Flow will be activated;
  • On the every server (WFE and CA) where SYSTEMZ Flow will be activated execute z-flow-invoke { z-flow-Prerequisites-Install } command and wait for completion;
  • Activate site feature Workflow Task Content Type
  • Activate site feature Workflows can use app permissions (if need to enable sequence action feature Use App Permissions).

SYSTEMZ Flow for SharePoint 2016 should be installed to SharePoint farm. Before SYSTEMZ Flow for SharePoint 2016 installation make sure the Workflow Manager is installed and activated.
Workflow Manager installation and configuration information available:
Workflow Manager Configuration

To install SYSTEMZ Flow for SharePoint 2016:

  • Open PowerShell ISE on SharePoint farm server with local administrator privileges;
  • Open z-flow-manage.ps1 script from SYSTEMZ Flow installation package;
  • Specify $webAppUrl as site-collection URL where SYSTEMZ Flow will be activated;
  • Run script;
  • Execute z-flow-invoke { z-flow-Solution-Add } command and wait for completion;
  • Execute z-flow-invoke { z-flow-Solution-Deploy -webAppUrl:$webAppUrl -force:$false } commands and wait for completion;
  • Open PowerShell ISE on SharePoint farm server with local administrator privileges;
  • On the every WFE and CA SharePoint server execute
    Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.Powershell

    commands and wait for completion;
  • Import license on SYSTEMZ Flow admin page in SharePoint Central Administration. The license is a file with .zlf extension;
  • Execute z-flow-restart-SPTimerV4 command;
  • Open wf-resource.ps1 script from database/wfm/ folder;
  • Run script;
  • Execute z-flow-invoke { z-flow-Database-Migrate } command and wait for completion. The current account has to have access to the SQL Server;
  • Create App Management Service in SharePoint Central Administration;
  • Activate site collection feature ZFlow components;
  • Activate site feature ZFlow components.

After successful completion of installation, you will be able to use Workflow Gallery and Add a site workflow links in site menu.

  • Open wf-resource.ps1 script from database/wfm/ folder;
  • Run script;
  • Open PowerShell ISE on SharePoint farm server with local administrator privileges;
  • Open pre-update.ps1 script from migrations/ folder;
  • Run script;
  • Open PowerShell ISE on SharePoint farm server with local administrator privileges;
  • Open z-flow-manage.ps1 script from SYSTEMZ Flow installation package;
  • Run script;
  • Execute z-flow-Solution-Update command and wait for completion;
  • Execute z-flow-restart-SPTimerV4 commands and wait for completion;
  • Open PowerShell ISE on SharePoint farm server with local administrator privileges;
  • On the every WFE and CA SharePoint server execute
    Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.Powershell

    commands and wait for completion;
  • Execute z-flow-invoke { z-flow-Database-Migrate } command and wait for completion. The current account has to have access to the SQL Server;
  • Execute z-flow-Solution-Update--Upgrade command and wait for completion;
  • Open PowerShell ISE on SharePoint farm server with local administrator privileges;
  • Open provision.ps1 script from migrations/ folder;
  • Run script;
  • Open PowerShell ISE on SharePoint farm server with local administrator privileges;
  • Open post-update.ps1 script from migrations/ folder;
  • Run script;

The app is optimized for using in the following web browsers:

  • Internet Explorer 11
  • Microsoft Edge, latest release
  • Google Chrome, latest release
  • Firefox, latest release

